Please do not play pranks on the Aspies

Please do not play pranks on the Aspies

This is not a joke. I don’t know any way to make it plainer than this.

“Aspie,” in case you do not know, is a word commonly used within the community of people with Asperger’s Syndrome, as an informal term for ourselves. I don’t claim to speak for all Aspies, of course, but this is certainly true for me, as well as many others I know. Some Aspies have figured out how to recognize and understand pranks, but I am not one of them. I don’t understand why people play pranks . . . at all.

7 thoughts on “Please do not play pranks on the Aspies

  1. I am also an Aspie. I still remember the fresher’s day at college when my seniors played prank on me by being nice to me. I literally cried on stage and people laughed.


  2. Recently I read the book by Jodi Lynn Picoult, “House Rules”, which, among other subjects, describes the way how Aspies are seen from other people. From that description I understand that pranks on Aspies are inevitable for several reasons:
    1. It is astonishing easy to hurt an Aspie by playing prank on him. Really, many people do not realize how much this kind of jokes affects Aspies.
    2. The very same pranks on other people are taken as just jokes with no side-effect. Many people wight the effect of pranks on Aspies based on expected effect on themselves.


      • First of all, being Aspie myself, I suffer from this kind of ‘fun’.

        The essence of my comment is that most people do not suffer at all when somebody pranks on them. So, they literally are unable to understand why and in which way this treatment can hurt Aspies, especially when they don’t know that somebody is an Aspie.


        • Thank you for explaining — I understand your point of view now. As you might guess, though, I still don’t understand the POV of the others you describe, but I guess I don’t really want to, either.


          • Unfortunately, I don’t speak English as my main language, so I don’t know what does POV mean.

            But, consider the following situation: Some guy is going to play prank on you. He approaches you and says: Hey, what I am going to do is a prank on you. Please, don’t take it seriously, OK? It will be much easier to you to not feel like a victim. And finally it may happen to bring some kind of fun for him, for you and for audience.

            Of course, the essence of a prank is to not say it from very beginning. However, because of social awareness of most people, the unusual behavior of that guy already says to possible victim that it is a just a joke. Even it he doesn’t say it directly, he accepts his role and plays it till the end. As result all them have some fun.

            However, an Aspie is unable to discern this kind of behavior as a prank from the beginning, because of missing social awareness. It is exactly the fact that makes it difficult to understand for many people why don’t you, as Aspie, realize this behavior as a prank. But in majority of cases people do NOT have other intentions than to have fun WITH you.

            Liked by 1 person

          • POV = “point of view.” My compliments on your command of English as a second language, and thank you, also, for the more detailed explanation.


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