A Chiral Polyhedron Made of Kites and Triangles, Along with Its Dual, Made of Triangles and Isosceles Trapezoids

To make this polyhedron using Stella 4d (available here), one starts with the icosahedron, drops the symmetry of the model down from icosahedral to tetrahedral, and then stellates it once. The result is a chiral solid featuring four triangular faces and twelve kites:

chiral polyhedron made of triangles and kites -- found while exploring tetstells of the icosahedron.gif

The dual of this polyhedron, which is also chiral, has four triangular faces, and twelve faces which are isosceles trapezoids. It is a type of faceted dodecahedron — a partial faceting, meaning it is made without using all of the dodecahedron’s vertices.

Faceted Dodeca.gif

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