92 Dodecahedra, Arranged as a Single Rhombic Triacontahedron

With 92 dodecahedra, if you arrange them just right, you can make a model of a rhombic triacontahedron:

RTC Augmented DodecaFor purposes of comparison, here is what the rhombic triacontahedron normally looks like:

Rhombic Triaconta

Also, referring back to the first model shown, here is a picture of just one of the red rhombi-made-of-dodecahedra.


The first polyhedron shown in this post has an interesting dual, as well. Here it is, colored by face-type (position within the overall shape):

Dual of RTC Augmented Dodeca

Here is another view of the dual, colored by number of edges per face.

Dual of RTC Augmented Dodeca

Here’s one more view of the dual, in “rainbow color mode.”

dual RTC Augmented Dodeca rainbow

Returning to the original model, at the top of this post, here’s what it looks like, if colored by face type:

RTC Augmented Dodeca face type

Here’s one more view, in “rainbow color mode.”

RTC Augmented Dodeca rainbow

All of these images were created using Stella 4d, a program you can buy, or try for free, right here.

5 thoughts on “92 Dodecahedra, Arranged as a Single Rhombic Triacontahedron

  1. Pingback: Magforming the Stewart Toroids | Simple City

  2. Hi Robert,
    I am in the process of making a rhombic triacontahedron with edges substituted for dodecahedra entirely out of spaghetti and hot glue, with inspiration from the absolutely lovely shapes that you post on your blog. Each side length is half an inch and I am trying to calculate just how much spaghetti I am going to need for this project. My estimate was about 80 feet, but I am unsure of how many sides are on this monster. Can you offer me any assistance? Thank you so much and please make more shapes like this in the future, they are beyond beautiful.


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