A Library Dream

(Photo by Benjamin Krain.)

I just woke up from an afternoon nap, and was having a strange dream. It was the beginning of Summer, and I was working on a second master’s degree at UALR — and working at the UALR Ottenheimer Library again, where I worked in real life from 1988 to 1992, as an undergraduate. It was my first day back in the job, and I was getting there at about 12:45, with my shift starting at 1:00 pm. I was also bringing a fancy pot for a pepper plant. Upon arrival, I put all my stuff away, said hello to Tony (my boss there, and a friend), looked at the schedule, and saw, to my dismay, that I was supposed to be there from 7:00 am to noon. I wasn’t early — I was very late! There was nothing left to do but apologize to Tony, which I did. At that point, I woke up.