A Radial Tessellation of the Plane Using Squares and 45/135 Degree Rhombi

This is an adjustment and extension of the radial tessellation shown in the most recent post here. I am now confident that this pattern could be extended outward, without limit.

If I've tried this once, I've tried it at least fifty-five times….

It’s hard to get regular pentagons, regular star pentagons, regular decagons, and related polygons to tessellate the plane while maintaining radial symmetry. This is my latest attempt.

A Radial Tessellation Using Three Types of Rhombi

radial tessellation using three types of rhombi

The yellow rhombi have angles of 40 and 140 degrees, while the blue rhombi have angles of 80 and 100 degrees, just like in the last post here. However, that post did not include the red rhombi, which have angles of 60 and 120 degrees.