Two Versions of a Tessellation Featuring Regular Hexagons, Regular Pentagons, and Tetraconcave, Equilateral Octagons

The octagons appear as four-pointed stars, with the narrowest angles measuring 12 degrees, and the next-narrowest measuring 24 degrees.

A Rhombic Triacontahedron, Covered with Tessellations

The tessellations of the faces of this rhombic triacontahedron first appeared in my last post here. For putting the whole thing together and creating this rotating .gif, I used a program called Stella 4d. If you want to, you can try Stella for free at this website.

If I've tried this once, I've tried it at least fifty-five times….

It’s hard to get regular pentagons, regular star pentagons, regular decagons, and related polygons to tessellate the plane while maintaining radial symmetry. This is my latest attempt.

Space-Filling Octagonal Prisms and Great Rhombcuboctahedra

This is a continuation of the process shown in the last post here, but with a different coloring-scheme.

I made this using Stella 4d, which you can try for free at this website.

Octahedra and Cuboctahedra Can Fill Space Without Leaving Any Gaps

Augmented Cubocta

I created this image using Stella 4d, which you can try for free right here. It’s much like a tessellation, but in three dimensions instead of two.