Zome Hyperdodecahedron

This is one projection of the four-dimensional hyperdodecahedron, or 120-cell, rendered in Zome. All the part for this come in a single kit, and, if you want it for yourself, you can find it for sale at this website.


I did have student help with the construction of this, for which I am grateful. However, for legal and ethical reasons, I cannot credit the students by name.

Here’s a closer view, through the “core” of all-blue pentagons:


Zome is a great product. I recommend it strongly, and without reservation (and no, they aren’t paying me anything to write this).

Slowly Rotating Hyperdodecahedron

This is the hyperdodecahedron, or 120-cell, one of the six four-dimensional analogs of the Platonic solids. It’s been shown on this blog before, but this image has one major change: a much slower rotational speed. It is my hope that this will help people, including myself, with the difficult task of understanding four-dimensional objects.

5-Hi, 120-cell, Hecatonicosachoron

This image was created using Stella 4d, a program you can try, as a free trial download, at this website.

The Hyperspace Analog of the Dodecahedron/Icosahedron Compound


The Hyperspace Analog of the Dodecahedron/Icosahedron Compound

The dodecahedron and the icosahedron are dual to each other, and can be combined to make this well-known compound.


In hyperspace, the analog to the dodecahedron is the hyperdodecahedron, also known as the 120-cell, as well as the hecatonicosachoron. Its dual is the 600-cell, or hexacosichoron, made of 600 tetrahedral cells. The image at the top is the compound of these two polychora, rotating in hyperspace.

These images were made using Stella 4d, available at http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php.

120 Undulating Dodecahedra


120 Undulating Dodecahedra

This is a 120-cell, one of the regular polychora (four-dimensional polytopes), with its edges and vertices rendered invisible, and its dodecahedral cells shrunk somewhat, to put some empty space between them. It’s rotating in hyperspace, and what you are seeing at any given moment is a particular three-dimensional “shadow,” or projection, of the entire figure.

It’s easy to make this sort of thing with software called Stella 4d, written by an Australian friend of mine. Here’s a link to a site where you can try it, as a free trial download, before deciding whether or not to purchase the fully-functioning version: http://www.software3d.com/stella.php.

Another View of the Hyperdodecahedron


Another View of the Hyperdodecahedron

This regular polytope (four-dimensional version of a polyhedron) is rotating in hyperspace. If you could see it there, you’d notice that all 120 dodecahedral cells have the same volume.

Created with Stella 4d (site to try it: http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php).