My 2024 US Presidential Election Prediction

I predict a narrow electoral victory for Joe Biden, with a wider popular majority. I made this map on the website It’s free to use, if you’d like to make a prediction-map of your own..

Trump’s Impeachment Troubles Started One Year Ago Today

July 25

One year ago: the infamous July 25th phone call. That led to Trump’s impeachment, but few think of it now because we’re neck-deep in the COVID-19 pandemic. Impeachment occurred before the masked age began. He didn’t get removed by the Senate, but he’s quite likely to get removed by voters in the November election. He may not leave the White House voluntarily, which would create a shameful spectacle, but he’ll be escorted away come Inauguration Day — even if they have to literally drag him off, kicking and screaming.

My Predicted 2020 Presidential Electoral Map

I’m predicting that Joe Biden will win a slim electoral majority, as well as a large popular-vote advantage, over Donald Trump.

election 2020

In this particular scenario, the swing states all go for Trump, except for Arizona and Florida, which Biden wins. Both Arizona and Florida have large elderly populations, and I don’t think they’re much caring for the way Trump is treating them as disposable people when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you would like to make your own prediction-map, the website to visit to do so is

An Easy Way to Find a Better President

nine dice

  1. Obtain nine ten-sided dice, as seen above.
  2. Use them, one at a time, to generate nine random digits, in order.
  3. Check to see if a living person has that Social Security Number.
  4. If so, check to see if the person is eligible, under the Constitution, for the office of president.
  5. If they are, inaugurate them at once, before they have time to get away.
  6. If no president has yet been selected, return to step 2.

The chances of getting anything worse than what we’ve got now are essentially zero.

2017: The Year of Trump Dysphoria Disorder


“Dysphoria” is the antonym of “euphoria.” Exposure to facts increases your risk of developing Trump Dysphoria Disorder, or TDD. To avoid the pain and suffering associated with TDD, you may wish to avoid any media outlets which are not Fox News.